
Приказују се постови за октобар, 2023

Fresh breath and healthy gums 3 - Breath freshener spray. / Svež dah i zdrave desni 3 - Sprej za osvežavanje daha. Little Mias World Limes.

Welcome to our little world of beauty and health. In this post, Little Mias World Limes continues to present natural and healthy products for maintaining the hygiene of your teeth and mouth.  Note : I work according to the principle Try - Recommend - Earn.  If you are interested in being my collaborator, contact me and I will explain everything to you. 🍀 Dobro dosli u nas mali svet lepote i zdravlja.  Little Mias World Limes Vam u ovom postu nastavlja predstavljati prirodne i zdrave proizvode za odrzavanje higijene vasih zuba i usta.  Napomena :  Radim po principu  Probaj - Preporuci - Zaradi. Ukoliko ste zainteresovani da budete moj saradnik, kontaktirajte me i sve cu Vam objasniti. 🍀 BREATH FRESHENER Spray /   SPREJ ZA OSVEŽAVANJE DAHA COMPOSITION :  - Basil  - Zalfia  - St. John's wort -  On the EFFECT: - prevents the development of microorganisms  - has a beneficial effect on inflammation ...

Fresh breath and healthy gums 2 - Rosa Fresh mouthwash. / Svež dah i zdrave desni 2 - Rosa Freš vodica za ispiranje usta. Little Mias World Limes

  ROSA FRESH MOUTHWASH /     ROSA FREŠ VODICA ZA ISPIRANJE USTA  Features:  It contains active components and extracts of medicinal plants: basil, St. John's wort, mint and sage.  The mouthwash washes away impurities, i.e. deposits on the teeth and gums and removes unpleasant breath from the mouth. The active substances of basil, St. John's wort, salvia and mint have an antibacterial effect, relieve throat and gum inflammation and help in the treatment of canker sores and mouth sores. They have a preventive effect against caries, prevent the formation of calculus and eliminate unpleasant breath.  ROSA FRESH water has a strong antibacterial effect and a pleasant taste. Freshens your breath. By inhaling with a solution of Fresh water, you will get rid of sneezing and sinuses. Karakteristike : Sadrzi aktivne komponente i ekstrakte lekovitog bilja : bosiljak, kantarion, nana i zalfija. Vodica za usta ispira necistoce, odnosno n...

Fresh breath and healthy gums 1 - Rosadent toothpaste. / Svež dah i zdrave desni 1 - zubna pasta Rosadent. Little Mias world Limes.

Welcome to my little world of beauty and health.  Little Mias world Limes wishes you a warm welcome and a pleasant reading of our posts.  Note:  This post is my recommendation to everyone to use healthy and natural products, as I do myself. I put my trust in the company Limes and use only their natural products, which I highly recommend to you.  I work according to the system Try - Recommend - Earn. 🍀  I never recommend something that I am not sure is not healthy and good. Limes products are natural, healthy and phenomenal. 👌 Dobro dosli u moj maleni svet lepote i zdravlja. Little Mias world Limes Vam zeli dobrodošlicu i ugodno citanje nasih postova.  Napomena : Ovaj post je moja preporuka svima da koriste zdrave i prirodne proizvode kao sto to i sama radim. Ja sam svoje poverenje dala kompaniji Limes i koristim samo njihove prirodne proizvode sto i Vama toplo preporucujem.  Radim po sistemu  Probaj - Preporuci - Zaradi. 🍀 Nikada ne preporucuje...