Fresh breath and healthy gums 1 - Rosadent toothpaste. / Svež dah i zdrave desni 1 - zubna pasta Rosadent. Little Mias world Limes.
Welcome to my little world of beauty and health.
Little Mias world Limes wishes you a warm welcome and a pleasant reading of our posts.
This post is my recommendation to everyone to use healthy and natural products, as I do myself. I put my trust in the company Limes and use only their natural products, which I highly recommend to you.
I work according to the system Try - Recommend - Earn. 🍀
I never recommend something that I am not sure is not healthy and good. Limes products are natural, healthy and phenomenal. 👌
Little Mias world Limes Vam zeli dobrodošlicu i ugodno citanje nasih postova.
Napomena : Ovaj post je moja preporuka svima da koriste zdrave i prirodne proizvode kao sto to i sama radim.
Ja sam svoje poverenje dala kompaniji Limes i koristim samo njihove prirodne proizvode sto i Vama toplo preporucujem.
Radim po sistemu
Probaj - Preporuci - Zaradi. 🍀
Nikada ne preporucujem nesto u sta nisam sigurna da nije zdravo i dobro.
Limesovi proizvodi su prirodni, zdravi i fenomenalni. 👌
The paste is concentrated with herbal extracts of St. John's wort, basil, mint and sage, fragrant and medicinal herbs from the Stara planina climate.
It contains special LP fillers with rounded particles that give the effect of "soft" cleaning, without damaging the surface of the teeth, and at the same time acts as a polishing agent.
Mint acts as an antiseptic and helps with gum disease and bad breath. Zalfija refreshes, soothes and helps with tissue tightening.
It is good for rinsing the throat and mouth.
It reduces the possibility of gum disease.
Pasta je koncentrovana sa biljnim ekstraktima kantariona, bosiljka, nane i zalfije, mirisnog i lekovitog bilja sa podneblja Stare planine.
Sadrzi specijalna punila LP sa zaobljenim cestica a koja daju efekat "mekog" ciscenja, bez ostecenja povrsine zuba i istovremeno deluje kao polirajuće sredstvo.
Nana deluje antiseptički i pomaze kod bolesti desni i zadaha iz usta.
Zalfija osvezava, umiruje i pomaze kod zatezanja tkiva. Dobra je za ispiranje grla i usta. Smanjuje mogucnost pojave bolesti desni.
- freshens your breath
- cleans and polishes teeth
- destroys bacteria that accumulate in the mouth
- alleviates periodontal disease.
- osvezava dah
- cisti i polira zube
- unistava bakterije koje se nakupljaju u ustima
- ublazava paradentozu.
It is used for daily tooth brushing.
It is concentrated, so a small amount is needed for one wash compared to standard pastes.
Koristi se za svakodnevno pranje zuba.
Koncentrovana je, pa je potrebna mala kolicina za jedno pranje u odnosu na standardne paste.
Have you used Rosadent toothpaste? What are your impressions?
Your opinion is very important to us. Feel free to leave a comment.
Da li ste koristili Rosadent pastu za zube?
Koji su Vasi utisci?
Vase misljenje nam je jako vazno. Budite slobodni da ostavite komentar.
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Zelite da narucite pastu?
Mozete to uraditi ovde : ⬇️
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