Fresh breath and healthy gums 2 - Rosa Fresh mouthwash. / Svež dah i zdrave desni 2 - Rosa Freš vodica za ispiranje usta. Little Mias World Limes



It contains active components and extracts of medicinal plants: basil, St. John's wort, mint and sage. 
The mouthwash washes away impurities, i.e. deposits on the teeth and gums and removes unpleasant breath from the mouth. The active substances of basil, St. John's wort, salvia and mint have an antibacterial effect, relieve throat and gum inflammation and help in the treatment of canker sores and mouth sores. They have a preventive effect against caries, prevent the formation of calculus and eliminate unpleasant breath.
 ROSA FRESH water has a strong antibacterial effect and a pleasant taste. Freshens your breath. By inhaling with a solution of Fresh water, you will get rid of sneezing and sinuses.

Karakteristike :

Sadrzi aktivne komponente i ekstrakte lekovitog bilja : bosiljak, kantarion, nana i zalfija.

Vodica za usta ispira necistoce, odnosno naslage na zubima i desnima i uklanja neugodan zadah iz usta. 

Aktivne supstance bosiljka, kantariona, zalfije i nane deluju antibakterijski, setite od upala grla i desni i pomazu u lecenju afti i ranica u ustima. 
Preventivno deluju protiv karijesa, sprečavaju nastanak kamenca i otklanjaju neprijatan zadah.
ROSA FREŠ vodica ima jako Antibakterijsko dejstvo i prijatan ukus. 
Osvezava dah. 
Inhaliranjem sa rastvorom  Freš vodice oslobodicete se kijavice i sinusa.

 Dissolve 5-10 drops in 10-20 ml of water and rinse your mouth and throat.


 - It helps to reduce the swelling caused by sitting or standing for a long time
 - it is used for chronic pain in the joints and headaches (rub the water on the painful place and the pain disappears after a few minutes)
 - It is used to lower the temperature in children 
- eases teething problems in children (Applies to the gums) 
- blown rosafresh can be used to rinse the ears.


U 10 - 20 ml vode rastvoriti 5-10 kapi i vrsiti ispiranje usta i zdrela.


- Pomaze kod povlacenje otoka koji nastaje usled dugog sedenja ili stajanja

- primenjuje se kod hroničnih bolova u zglobovima i glavobolje ( utrljati vodicu na bolno mesto i bol nestaje posle par minuta) 

- Koristi se za snizavanje temperature kod  dece 

-  olaksava probleme prilikom nicanja zubica kod dece ( Nanosi se na desni) 

- razblazen rosafreš se moze koristiti za ispiranje usiju. 

Have you used Rosa Fresh water? 
What are your observations?
 Feel free to leave your opinion in the comments. 
Do you want to order a product from us? You can do that by clicking on the link below

Da li ste koristili Rosa Freš vodicu? 
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To mozete uraditi klikom na link ispod ⬇️


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