Welcome to my blog. 🍀 This is the corner where I present products that I use myself and that are 100% natural. No lies, no deception. Every written word is the truth, every picture is real. What I want for myself, I want for you. And of course I wish the best for myself. That's why I use the best products and work with the best. 🍀 Anyone who wants to try our products or work with me is welcome to join the team. 🍀 Get in touch so we can walk the path of success together. If I can do it, so can you. Dare. Move on. Waiting for you. Answer the phone. 🍀 And now a little about the products. ⬇️
Skin cells are renewed regularly: our skin is brand new every 28 days! Exfoliation not only removes dead skin cells, but also stimulates circulation. After peeling, the skin absorbs care products better, which makes the complexion radiant and shiny.
The peeling cream contains high concentrations of chamomile extract, cocoa butter, castor oil and ground apricot kernels. Mild, gentle and extremely effective, ground apricot kernels remove dead cells from the surface of the skin, stimulate skin renewal, restore freshness to the skin and leave it clean. Chamomile extract contains flavonoids, coumarin and mucus that soothe the skin, reduce redness and signs of skin photodamage, and improve the texture and elasticity of the skin. Chamomile extract protects the skin from negative external influences. Moisturizing the skin helps to maintain normal and healthy function. It also has an antioxidant effect, so it is useful in the prevention of skin aging. It reduces redness caused by UV rays. The effect of the extract is soothing, refreshing, toning, promotes granulation and epithelization of tissue, reduces itching. It owes its calming and antimicrobial properties to α-bisabolol, hamazulene and flavonoids. Cocoa butter protects the skin, slows down water loss, forming a protective barrier. It creates a protective film on the skin, giving it smoothness. Prevents drying of the skin. Castor oil is an excellent emollient that leaves the skin feeling soft and smooth. Peeling cream is intended for all skin types. It is especially recommended for the care of dry, rough and chapped skin.
How to use:
Apply a peeling mask to clean and dry facial skin. Gently massage the cream into the skin of your face in circular motions. Allow the skin to absorb the cream, and remove the excess apricot pits after a few minutes. Peeling cream can be used once or twice a week.
Dobro dosli na moj blog. 🍀
Ovo je kutak u kome Vam predstavljam proizvode koje i sama koristim i koji su 100 % prirodni.
Nema lazi, nema prevare.
Svaka napisana rec je istina, svaka slika realna.
Ono sto zelim sebi to zelim i Vama. A sebi naravno zelim sve najbolje. Zato i koristim najbolje proizvode i radim sa najboljima. 🍀
Ko zeli da isproba nase proizvode ili da radi sa mnom, dobro dosao je u tim. 🍀
Javite se da zajedno idemo putem uspeha.
Ako mogu ja, mozes i ti.
Usudi se. Pokreni se. Cekam te. Javi se. 🍀
A sada malo o proizvodima. ⬇️
Ćelije kože se redovno obnavljaju: naša koža je potpuno nova svakih 28 dana! Piling ne samo da uklanja mrtve ćelije kože, već istovremeno podstiče cirkulaciju. Posle pilinga, koža bolje upija proizvode za negu što čini ten blistavim i sjajnim.
Piling krema u svom sastavu sadrži visoke koncentracije ekstrakta kamilice, kakao buter, ricinusovo ulje i mlevene koštice kajsije
Blage, nežne i izuzetno efikasne, mlevene koštice kajsije uklanjaju izumrle ćelije sa površine kože podstiču obnavljanje kože, vraćaju svežinu koži i ostavljaju je čistom.
Ekstrakt kamilice u svom sastavu sadrži flavonoide, kumarin i sluzi koji umiruju kožu, umanjuju crvenilo i znake fotooštećenja kože, poboljšavaju teksturu i elastičnost kože. Ekstrakt kamilice štiti kožu od negativnih spoljnih uticaja. Vlažeći kožu pomaže u očuvanju normalne i zdrave funkcije. Ima i antioksidativni uticaj, pa je koristan i u prevenciji starenja kože.Umanjuje crvenilo uzrokovano UV zracima. Dejstvo ekstrakta je umirujuće, osvežavajuće, tonizirajuće, pospešuje granulaciju i epitelizaciju tkiva, umanjuje svrab. Svoja umirujuća i antimikrobna svojstva u največoj meri duguje α-bisabololu, hamazulenu i flavonoidima.
Kakao buter štiti kožu, usporava gubitak vode, formiraći barijerni zaštitni omotač. Stvara zaštitni film na koži, dajući joj glatkoću. Sprečava isušivanje kože.
Ricinusovo ulje je odličan emolijens koji na koži ostavlja osećaj mekoće i glatkoće.
Piling krema je namenjena svim tipovima kože. Posebno se preporučuje za negu suve, grube i ispucale kože.
Način primene: Nanesite piling masku na čistu i suvu kožu lica. Blagim kružnim pokretima kremu utljajte u kožu lica. Ostavite da koža upije kremu, a višak koštica kajsije uklonite nakon nekoliko minuta. Piling krema se može koristiti jednom do dva puta nedeljno.
Cena : 1342 din / 22.50 km / 11.70 €
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