Welcome to my blog. 🍀 This is the corner where I present products that I use myself and that are 100% natural. No lies, no deception. Every written word is the truth, every picture is real. What I want for myself, I want for you. And of course I wish the best for myself. That's why I use the best products and work with the best. 🍀 Anyone who wants to try our products or work with me is welcome to join the team. 🍀 Get in touch so we can walk the path of success together. If I can do it, so can you. Dare. Move on. Waiting for you. Answer the phone. 🍀 And now a little about the products. ⬇️
Limes cream is a source of health and beauty, which nature gives us from all over the world. Nutrient ingredients promote skin regeneration and reduce wrinkles not only in depth but also in volume. The formula strengthens the skin's immunity and creates resistance to adverse external influences. Vitamins in combination with the structure of the cream's active substances enable high hydration and reduce the intensity of freckles and spots. Preserves the youthful appearance of the skin.
***wild yam plant root extract (female plant, forms collagen in the skin),
***Timarindus Indica seed extract (activates the natural protective mechanism, preserves moisture in the skin),
***ex. Green mung beans are grown in India, activate the immune system in the skin,
***Glycerides and triglycerides obtained from Mediterranean olive oil restore active and functional substances in the skin.
Result: Reduces wrinkles, prevents the formation of freckles and spots and softens existing ones. After 4 weeks, the skin is nourished and firmer.
Use: Apply to a thoroughly cleansed face and neck, in the morning or evening.
Dobro dosli na moj blog. 🍀
Ovo je kutak u kome Vam predstavljam proizvode koje i sama koristim i koji su 100 % prirodni.
Nema lazi, nema prevare.
Svaka napisana rec je istina, svaka slika realna.
Ono sto zelim sebi to zelim i Vama. A sebi naravno zelim sve najbolje. Zato i koristim najbolje proizvode i radim sa najboljima. 🍀
Ko zeli da isproba nase proizvode ili da radi sa mnom, dobro dosao je u tim. 🍀
Javite se da zajedno idemo putem uspeha.
Ako mogu ja, mozes i ti.
Usudi se. Pokreni se. Cekam te. Javi se. 🍀
A sada malo o proizvodima. ⬇️
Limes krema je izvor zdravlja i lepote, koje nam priroda daruje sa svih strana sveta. Hranljivi sastojci pospešuju regeneraciju kože i smanjuju bore ne samo po dubini već i po njihovoj zapremini. Formula pojačava imunitet kože i stvara otpornost prema nepovoljnim spoljnim uticajima. Vitamini u kombinaciji sa strukturom aktivnih materija kreme omogućavaju visoku hidratantnost i smanjuju intenzitet pega i fleka. Čuva mladalački izgled kože.
***ekstrakt korena biljke DIVLJI JAM (biljka žena, formira kolagen u koži),
***ekstrakt semena Timarindus Indica (aktivira prirodni zaštitni mehanizam,čuva vlagu u koži),
***eks. Zelenog mung pasulja uzgaja se u Indiji, aktivira imuni sistem u koži,
***Gliceride i trigliceride dobijeni iz maslinovog ulja sa mediterana obnavlja aktivne i funkcionalne materije u koži.
Rezultat: Smanjuje bore, sprečava stvaranje pega i fleka i ublažava postojeće. Nakon 4 nedelje koža je nahranjena i čvršća.
Upotreba: Naneti na temeljno očišćeno lice i vrat, ujutru ili uveče.
Cena : 5507 din / 92.20 km /47.90 €
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