Recommendation for a face without acne, pimples and blackheads. Acnelim Pelle Pulita gel. Little Mias world./Preporuka za lice bez akni, bubuljica i mitisera. Aknelim Pelle Pulita gel. Little Mias world.

Preporuka za lice bez akni, bubuljica i mitisera. Aknelim Pelle Pulita gel. Little Mias world.

Welcome to my blog. 🍀 This is the corner where I present products that I use myself and that are 100% natural. No lies, no deception. Every written word is the truth, every picture is real. What I want for myself, I want for you. And of course I wish the best for myself. That's why I use the best products and work with the best. 🍀 Anyone who wants to try our products or work with me is welcome to join the team. 🍀 Get in touch so we can walk the path of success together. If I can do it, so can you. Dare. Move on. Waiting for you. Answer the phone. 🍀 And now a little about the products. ⬇️

AcneLim Pelle Pulita gel is a specially designed formula based on natural ingredients of coastal pine bark extract, tamarind plant seed extract and active beta glucan complex, which in most cases successfully help to eliminate existing and prevent the appearance of new acne and pimples.

 How do the ingredients of AcneLim gel work?

 Tamarind seed extract is a natural hyaluronic acid that: soothes the skin, helps the skin stay hydrated and elastic, it has antioxidant properties and protects the skin from external influences. An active complex of beta glucans from the cell walls of a special strain of baker's yeast helps eliminate excess sebum, stimulates the immune system of the skin and thus contributes to balancing the microbiome of the skin (inhibits the growth of "bad" and stimulates the growth of "good" microorganisms).

 Coastal pine bark extract has exceptional antioxidant properties, which also contributes to balancing the microbiome of the skin, increases the resistance of skin cells to the action of external factors. 

Oak bark extract regenerates the skin, has an anti-inflammatory effect, helps to better control the amount of sebum. A derivative of vitamin B5 contributes to the proper functioning of the skin barrier, promotes skin regeneration and wound healing.

 Allantoin hydrates, relieves itching and redness of the skin, restores damaged skin. 

Diglycerin helps the skin retain moisture, makes the skin softer and smoother.


Apply the gel with your fingers by gently dabbing on clean skin in the morning and evening.

Dobro dosli na moj blog. 🍀
Ovo je kutak u kome Vam predstavljam proizvode koje i sama koristim i koji su 100 % prirodni. 
Nema lazi, nema prevare. 
Svaka napisana rec je istina, svaka slika realna. 
Ono sto zelim sebi to zelim i Vama. A sebi naravno zelim sve najbolje. Zato i koristim najbolje proizvode i radim sa najboljima. 🍀
Ko zeli da isproba nase proizvode ili da radi sa mnom, dobro dosao je u tim. 🍀
Javite se da zajedno idemo putem uspeha.
Ako mogu ja, mozes i ti. 
Usudi se. Pokreni se. Cekam te. Javi se. 🍀
A sada malo o proizvodima. ⬇️

AkneLim Pelle Pulita gel je specijalno osmišljena formula bazirana na prirodnim sastojcima ekstrakta kore primorskog bora, esktrakta semena biljke tamarinda i aktivniog kompleksa beta glukana  koji u većini slučajeva uspešno pomažu u otklanjanju postojećih i sprečavanju pojave novih akni i bubuljica.

Kako deluju sastojci AkneLim gela?

Esktrakt semena biljke tamarinda je prirodni hijaluron koji:

  • umiruje kožu,
  • pomaže da koža ostane hidrirana i elastična,
  • ima antioksidantna svojstva te štiti kožu od spoljašnjih uticaja.

Aktivni kompleks beta glukana iz ćelijskih zidova posebnog soja pekarskog kvasca

  • pomaže u eliminaciji viška sebuma,
  • stimuliše imuni sistem kože i samim tim doprinosi uravnotežavanju mikrobioma kože (inhibira rast “loših” i stimuliše rast “dobrih” mikroorganizama).

Ekstrakt kore primorskog bora

  • ima izuzetna antioksidantna svojstva čime takođe doprinosi uravnotežavanju mikrobioma kože,
  • povećava otpornost ćelija kože na dejstvo spoljašnjih faktora.

 Ekstrat kore hrasta

  • regeneriše kožu,
  • deluje protivupalno,
  • pomaže u boljoj kontroli količine sebuma.

 Derivat vitamina B5

  • doprinosi pravilnom funkcionisanju kožne barijere,
  • pospešuje regeneraciju kože i zarastanje rana.


  • Hidrira,
  • ublažava svrab i crvenilo kože,
  • oporavlja oštećenu kožu.


  • pomaže koži da zadrži vlagu,
  • čini kožu mekšom i glatkijom.

Primena: Gel naneti prstima blagim utapkavanjem na čistu kožu ujutru i uveče.

Cena : 1690 din / 28.30 km / 14.70 €

When you want to order the product, you can do it by sending the message. 

 How do you like the product?
 Have you used it yet? 
What are your experiences? 
Feel free to leave a comment. 🍀

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Kako vam se dopada proizvod? 
Da li ste ga do sada koristili? 
Kakva su vasa iskustva? 

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